Export Audit Logs

In Dynamics CRM , we are able to provide auditing to the records. But we are  Unable to export the audit data in Dynamics CRM. This is the major issue facing recently. There is a way to export the logs  in Excel File through MS CRM Toolkit. 

Download the Ms CRM Tool Kit from the following link as follows :-


Extract the Zip Folder and Run the Ms CRM ToolKit



Click on the connection Manager and give the names as follows:-



After that Save Connection and test the connection.If it is success.. Click on the Tools down click on the Export Audit Manager.


Initially Audit Export File is Null, Create New Audit Export File and save it. Select source as Connection Name and click on Structure Loaded. Select the output Format and the audits are Actions, Operations, Users, Entities  and click the Run Profile .



That’s it, will you get the Audit File.

Enjoy 🙂

12 thoughts on “Export Audit Logs

  1. Geoff, thank you so much for putting this together. I’m very new to this CRM and VS side of things, but I’m learning. Would you be able send me a zip of your compiled code?


  2. I must be missing something. There is no mscrmtoolkit_.065 folder or mscrmtoolkit exe’s. Just folders with JSON files that are comments from the site.


  3. Hi thr,
    I am having an issue while testing connection. it says as follow
    “Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: “https://******.crm.dynamics.com/XRMServices/2011/organization.svc?wsdl=wsdl0″ There is an error in XML document”


    • I experienced the same issue in v9. Does anyone know how to fix this?
      I want to extract the users who access through web.


      • Hey read my comments at the top of the posts here – you need to compile it in vs2017 and change the .net platform to the latest level – I tried to contact you on Google I can send you a zip of my compiled code if you like


        • Geoff, thank you for putting all of this together. I’m new to this CRM and VS side of things. Could you please send me a copy of your compiled code?


            • Thanks Geoff. I played with it again today, and I was able to successfully complete the process. I had to repair my VS install for one, and then I needed to do a few more things before I got it working. For you other noobs out there, this is what I did.
              1. Download code
              2. Unzip all folders
              3. Locate the MSCRMTookKit.sln and launch in Visual Studio
              i. \mscrmtoolkit\sourceCode\sourceCode\MSCRMToolKit
              4. Locate all .resx files through search.
              i. Right click, properties, unblock
              5. Change the .net framework to the latest framework for every instance of every project
              6. Batch Build, select all
              7. Locate the MSCRMToolKit.exe file and launch


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